Hello! I'm Colin.

I live in the Birmingham, Alabama area where I am in high school and am a part of the Birmingham Fencing Club, Eagle Scout, UAB STARTALK, and O'Neal Library Teen Advisory Board communities.

Eagle Scout

I began my Scouts journey in August of 2020 and completed my Eagle Scout project at O'Neal Library in Mountain Brook in January 2024. I will appear before my Eagle Board of Review on February 8.


I am an Epee fencer and I currently compete in Men's Y14 and Cadet events at local, regional, and national tournaments. I look forward to competing in my first Junior Olympics in February 2024.

Languages & Activities

My favorite language events include first and second place finishes at German Day at the University of Alabama in March 2023 and my acceptance into the 2024 STARTALK Mandarin program at University of Alabama - Birmingham. I am on my school's Scholars Bowl Team, serve on my library's Teen Advisory Board, and am learning to play the bagpipes with Alabama Pipes and Drums.

© 2024 Colin Cordova. All rights reserved.